News and events

On 3rd April 2023, IIC, IEDC and E cell wing of National College of Pharmacy (NCP)along with its sister institutions KMCT Ayurveda Medical college and KMCT college of engineering for emerging technologies invited Ms Anu Maria- District Officer of K DISC and Mr Sreedeep District co ordinator of K DISC to motivate the younger students of KMCT Group of institutions about the importance of start-ups and innovation ecosystem in the college campus. The audience which included teachers and students were given a chance to register under the K DISC. The students were given chance to submit their ideas though the YIP Programme. The session started at 2 pm and concluded at 4pm. Dr Kathirvel, IIC President of NCP gave the welcome address and the vote of thanks was proposed by E Cell student coordinator Ms Nawal Abdu Kareem